The finest woodwind, brass and percussion players at Brigham Young University perform with the Wind Symphony, under the direction of Shawn Smith. The BYU Wind Symphony maintains an active performance schedule with programming that ranges from wind band classics to some of the newest wind repertoire. Participation in commissioning consortiums and hosting composers on campus avails ensemble members with opportunities to experience these new works in meaningful ways.
In addition to on-campus concerts, the ensemble has been honored with performances the Music Educators National Conference and Convention; the College Band Directors Association, National and Division Conventions; and the American Bandmasters Association National Conference.
As BYU’s premier wind band, the ensemble has been presented in many of the United States, and in over twenty countries – including China, Japan, South Korea, Mongolia, Australia, New Zealand, and many European countries. The recently complete tours to Australia in May 2018 and a tour of Texas in May 2019.
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Shawn Smith
Instrumental Conducting & Ensembles, Director of Bands, Wind Symphony
E-485A Harris Fine Arts Center HFAC Provo, UT 84602
Course Number
326R & 626R
Rehearsal Schedule
Tues & Thurs
1111 Music Building